Popups & Markers

You can create Markers & Popups by nesting their respective components in your map.

  style="position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 250px; width: 500px;"
    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v11', // style URL
    center: [-68.137343, 45.137451], // starting position
    zoom: 5 // starting zoom

    :lnglat="[110, 5]"
    :lnglat="[100, 0]"
      closeOnClick: false
    <h1 class="test">
      Hello World!

Custom HTML

You can pass custom HTML for popups simply by nesting html inside your popup.

You can also pass custom HTML for markers by using the marker slot:

  :lnglat="[110, 5]"
  <template #marker>
    <h1>Easy Html!</h1>

Linking Popups & Markers

You can have a popup linked to a marker by simply nesting the popup component inside the marker. Example:

  :lnglat="[110, 5]"
    :lnglat="[100, 0]"
      closeOnClick: false
    <h1 class="test">
      Hello World!


useMapboxMarker & useMapboxPopup

You can access your markers and popups in the same way as useMapbox with useMapboxMarker & useMapboxPopup!

<script setup>
  useMapboxMarker(markerID, marker => {
    // Do whatever with marker

  useMapboxPopup(popupID, popup => {
    // Do whatever with popup


You can access marker & popup refs just like the map. This should be used when accessing popups or markers reactively (for example, in a watcher or computed method).

It is important to remember that the refs will be undefined until they have been initialized, which will be after the component is mounted.
const marker = useMapboxMarkerRef(markerID);
const popup = useMapboxPopupRef(popupID);

const markerLatLng = computed(() => {
  return marker.value?.getLngLat();